My Jewish friend had a lot of issues with one of her feet for the past 21/2 years. She received many treatments from podiatrists in town, but nothing changed her situation. I had no idea about it until she mentioned it to me a couple of weeks ago.
Recently, she visited a new doctor whose report she shared with me over the phone. She said, “A month ago, my vascular specialist didn’t feel any pulse in my injured foot. As a result, the blood has not been flowing through my foot which has been causing a lot of pain. I haven’t been able to walk well either. My foot is crooked, and I wear a special boot.” The new doctor scheduled her procedure for yesterday morning, and the entire process was to last 6 hours (before and after the procedure). When she went to his clinic, her doctor and 2 nurses couldn’t find anything wrong with her foot. Sharing what she wrote to me in her email; I am in awe reading God's testimony as below: Mamta, thank you for praying for me. "I was in prep, ready for the vascular specialist and he came to take a look at my toe. He just stared. Then he picked up the sheet and looked at the wrong foot. Then he went back to the left foot and declared, "It looks much better!" (1 month since I had seen him). Then he went over to the computer to look at my record and films and said, "It IS much better!" Then he came back to the bed and said, I'm not sure we even have to do anything. He asked what I had been doing and I told him that I've been drinking Ningxia juice. He had never heard of it. The conversation turned back to what to do now. The ultrasound last month showed that the vein stopped short of the great toe, so no blood was being delivered. Also the report said there was no pulse. Today, 2 nurses and he felt a pulse. They used some cream to get a better listen and the 3 agreed there was a pulse. We all decided to go ahead with the angioplasty as that is the only way to actually see what's happening so I had the procedure. He put the camera up there and in 15 minutes took it out and closed the hole. When we met in the other room, he said it was perfect. Blood is flowing like it’s supposed to everywhere. He didn’t have to do a thing. He said it was perfect. I had a list of questions written down and one of them was, “ What should I do for now for my vascular health to keep it in good shape?'' and he said , “Keep doing exactly what you're doing!”" Jesus is in control, and He is revealing Himself to my friend bit by bit. He restored her sleep at night first and now He healed her foot. Thank you Jesus for your love for my friend!! This reminds me of the Bible verse from Mark 12:17, Then Jesus said to them, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." And they were amazed at him. Let’s give our thanks, praises, and glory to God, as it belongs to Him only!