Last few months, I had to deal with an annoying cough and a scratchy throat. First I thought, I was under the weather and my symptoms would dissipate on its own, but they didn’t. I wondered, “What is it I am dealing with, since my COVID results are NEGATIVE?”
The scratchiness and pain in my throat were unbearable. There were times I had to cough so hard in order to clear my throat. The symptoms hindered me to carry on my conversation with others. I was about to go to a doctor to see what was going on with my throat. But then a thought came, perhaps the Holy Spirit brought it to my attention that it was an enemy attack. As I started to wage spiritual warfare against my symptoms and commanded them to go in Jesus’ name, I felt an immediate shift. My symptoms ceased for a few hours which gave me relief but then they returned. At this juncture, I had a choice to make whether to continue to fight against the enemy’s tantrums Or give in to them. I chose to stand. It was definitely a TUG OF WAR which required my patience and perseverance. The blood of Jesus has Wonderful Working Power to break every chain and obstacle that comes our way. The enemy looses its power when we stand FIRMLY on the Word of God and use our God given authority against our cumbersome situations. Prayers are POWERFUL when spoken in the name of Jesus, so let us contend and continue to contend for our breakthroughs. It took me several months to overcome my throat symptoms, but it was worth the fight. Finally, the enemy gave in, and I was set free from his grip! What you overcome, you have authority over it! The battle is the LORD’S, but the victory is always OURS! Keep standing alongside of the Lord, as He is fighting your battles behind the scene! Your breakthrough is just around a corner if you continue to walk all the way through with Him. Blessings in your perseverance!
I am from North India, but the Indian woman I met in a plane is from South India (Andhra Pradesh). We were seated next to each other. Praise the Lord for our divine seat connection and the opportunity to speak.
This woman already has the Word of God in her, so I just had to water it. While she was in college, her college friends invited her to their church in the U.S. She mentioned that she enjoyed their church service a lot every time she attended. She further told me that the church atmosphere is way more peaceful and she could feel the presence of God there which she never ever felt else where. Her feelings resonated with me, as I felt the same way when I went to a church for the first time and encountered the Lord. She expressed that she wanted to have a relationship and connection with Jesus. I told her that it’s so simple that all she had to do was to invite Him in her heart and accept Him as her Lord and Savior! I believe she was hungry and ready for Jesus, so she accepted Him right away without any efforts on my part. God knew her heart desire, so He fulfilled it at her appointed time! Thank you Jesus for bringing your beloved daughter into your kingdom! Heaven rejoices and so do I. Hallelujah! Yesterday, an Indian (Gujrati) woman had a beautiful encounter with the Lord! I believe it was a divine appointment, as I met this lady not once but twice in a day.
When we crossed our paths the second time, we stopped, talked, and immediately clicked with each other. She shared her creative and passionate journey of almost two decades in the makeup industry, and I shared my spiritual and healing journey of the Lord. During our conversation, the Holy Spirit powerfully touched her, as she couldn’t control her emotions but to express. I believe the Holy Spirit washed, cleansed, and softened her heart, as she cried uncontrollably. At the end of our meeting, she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior on her own and prayed the prayer of salvation after me in Hindi! She also expressed her desire to share her divine experience with her husband and the rest of the family. Hallelujah! People in India are hungry for a real encounter with God. They are searching for divine solutions for their problems, but they have yet to know about the ONE Living God who holds their answers. This is where their help will come from. And I get that as I was in their place once, so I know the frustration. Please pray for India and its people as led by the Holy Spirit. Thanks! Yesterday, I went to a marketplace with my sister. While we were shopping in a shop, a lady behind the counter expressed her feelings to me, “Madam, I was feeling sad, sleepy, lethargic, and not feeling well in my stomach all day long, but the moment you came, something stirred up in my body that I suddenly feel so refreshed and energetic!”
I then asked her if I could pray for her healing in Jesus name, she graciously accepted my prayers in front of her clients and shop owners. She told me that her friend used to come to her house on Sundays, so they could read Bible together. She used to feel so good reading God’s word. This sales lady asked me a question, “Can you tell me why Jesus died a brutal death on the Cross?” Here I went again telling her that He died so that we be forgiven and set free from our generational and personal sins and its consequences. I was prompted to ask her if she has invited Jesus in her heart yet, since her friend already shared Jesus’ teachings with her. She immediately asked me, “How should I do it?” I told her to pray the prayer of salvation after me in Hindi and invite Jesus in your heart. She was ready, so she did without any hesitation. It was Jesus led moment! The seed of God was already in her; I had to water it. I told her to continue to abide in God’s word and read the Gospel of the Bible. She needs to be discipled, so if anyone of you knows of any Hindi/Indian Christian discipleship group in New Delhi then let me know please. Praise the Lord! It was truly Jesus doing the work in this young woman’s life. All credit goes to Him! Thank you Jesus! Last week, while waiting for our turn at one of the COVID vaccination clinics, I happened to talk to a nurse whose left thumb was fully bandaged. Upon my inquiry, she mentioned that for the last 3 weeks, she had been dealing with tendonitis pain. She took her bandage off to show me how stiff her thumb was. Sure enough, she tried to bend it, but it wouldn't budge at all.
The nurse questioned me that she is not even a lefty, so how come her left thumb was in trouble as opposed to the right one which she uses all the time. I had no answer for her question, but I knew where her healing could come from. After petitioning my prayers to Jesus, her thumb felt a little better. I prayed again, she felt much better the second time around, but she still couldn't bend her thumb. So, I decided to pray one more time. This last time, her thumb could move easily and bend down fully without any difficulty. Her pain and infirmity was gone. Jesus set her free from tendonitis. Hallelujah! Not only Jesus healed this nurse's thumb but He witnessed His healing testimony to her Muslim co-worker who was present right there. He was curious to know about Jesus and His healing testimony of my life which I shared with the nurse and others around him. He listened attentively and was fully engaged with us. I could tell it was indeed the Good News for him which he probably never heard before. Praising and thanking Jesus for this opportunity of sharing God’s goodness and sowing His seed in him! Our testimonies are powerful, so let us share with the world around us. A couple of days ago, I called Verizon customer service to inquire about their current promotions and service plans. My call went to a customer service rep. in Texas. In the midst of our business conversation, this lady started telling me about her health situation.
She told me that ever since she moved to Texas, she had been dealing with severe allergies and sinus problems. She had not found any relief thus far after being on medications for the last 5 months. I was surprised to hear her story at first and didn't quite understand her reason for sharing it with me. As I listened carefully, I felt her pain and agony dealing with her health issues. I asked if I could pray for her healing in Jesus' name, and she said, “Yes.” Upon finishing my prayers, she mentioned that her nostrils opened up and she could now breathe well. Her throat cleared up too. Her left eye which was watery for the last 3 days stopped leaking immediately. Last of all, she felt much lighter in her body and depressed feelings she had been lately bogged down with left her. She praised the Lord for her healing! She told me that her grandma who died 2 years ago used to pray for her. She misses her immensely and feels lonely without her. She believes in Jesus’ healing power and has been asking Him to heal her. She felt that God answered her prayers through our connection over the phone. There are no accidents in God’s kingdom but only divine appointments. Such was this one! God orchestrates everything; He connects people for a reason and season and for His divine purposes. Jesus has all it takes, so we need not to figure anything out. Just follow His lead and pursue Him. He will bring it to pass whatever we have been contending for at His appointed time. Mark 11:24, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Walked into Great Clips to get my hair cut. One of the hairdressers was having such a hard time standing and cutting her client’s hair. She kept telling her customer that her back was hurting so badly that she couldn’t stand any more. She had to take breaks every so often from her client. Her pain was excruciating.
I couldn’t resist but to ask her if I could pray for her back in Jesus’ name; she immediately accepted my prayers. Jesus showed up with His healing power and healed her back right on the spot. Her back felt great after the prayers, and she was set free from pain and stiffness. Praise the Lord for His healing! Right there, an Indian Ophthalmologist whom I know watched God’s healing testimony firsthand. I could tell how surprised she was to see healing coming into this hairdresser’s back with just a simple prayer of faith. No medicine needed. God did a beautiful thing: He healed a believer, and witnessed His healing testimony to a nonbeliever! My older daughter had a procedure for her Chalazion a year before last summer. During the procedure, her ophthalmologist had to make a small incision inside of her upper lid to drain the fluid and remove the material which was collected within her cyst. For some reason, her procedure didn’t go well, as her cyst remained on her upper right eyelid.
We waited for at least a year to see if her cyst would go on its own, but it didn’t. My daughter and I then decided to get a second opinion from an ophthalmologist and a third opinion from an optometrist last summer. After meeting with them, they both said there was nothing they could do now, as it was more of a cosmetic issue than medical. They both confirmed that something went wrong at the time of the procedure, so she had to live with a cyst now. I felt bad about my daughter’s eye situation and felt helpless to see her perfect eye being ruined. One eye looked smaller than the other. Out of my frustration, I blamed the doctor for not doing the procedure right and messing up her eye. When I took my prayer request to the Lord and asked Him to heal my daughter’s eye, He made me realize that I was holding unforgiveness and bitterness towards the ophthalmologist. I had to let go of all that negativity I was holding against her, forgive her from my heart, and bless her. It was definitely a “Wake Up Call” for me from God. After I did what the Lord asked me to do, it didn’t take long for Jesus to bring healing to my daughter’s eye. In no time, her cyst on her eyelid dissolved supernaturally. Thank you, Jesus! Her both eyes look normal and beautiful! No more cosmetic surgery is needed to fix her eye. Lord is AMAZING! My lesson from this experience is that anytime we hold unforgiveness and grudges against others, knowingly or unknowingly, we inadvertently block our prayers from getting answered from God. Jesus wants to bless us, as He loves us so much, but our wrong actions hold Him back to give the very things we desire to have. This reminds me of the Bible verse from Psalm 51: 1-2, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” My Jewish friend had a lot of issues with one of her feet for the past 21/2 years. She received many treatments from podiatrists in town, but nothing changed her situation. I had no idea about it until she mentioned it to me a couple of weeks ago.
Recently, she visited a new doctor whose report she shared with me over the phone. She said, “A month ago, my vascular specialist didn’t feel any pulse in my injured foot. As a result, the blood has not been flowing through my foot which has been causing a lot of pain. I haven’t been able to walk well either. My foot is crooked, and I wear a special boot.” The new doctor scheduled her procedure for yesterday morning, and the entire process was to last 6 hours (before and after the procedure). When she went to his clinic, her doctor and 2 nurses couldn’t find anything wrong with her foot. Sharing what she wrote to me in her email; I am in awe reading God's testimony as below: Mamta, thank you for praying for me. "I was in prep, ready for the vascular specialist and he came to take a look at my toe. He just stared. Then he picked up the sheet and looked at the wrong foot. Then he went back to the left foot and declared, "It looks much better!" (1 month since I had seen him). Then he went over to the computer to look at my record and films and said, "It IS much better!" Then he came back to the bed and said, I'm not sure we even have to do anything. He asked what I had been doing and I told him that I've been drinking Ningxia juice. He had never heard of it. The conversation turned back to what to do now. The ultrasound last month showed that the vein stopped short of the great toe, so no blood was being delivered. Also the report said there was no pulse. Today, 2 nurses and he felt a pulse. They used some cream to get a better listen and the 3 agreed there was a pulse. We all decided to go ahead with the angioplasty as that is the only way to actually see what's happening so I had the procedure. He put the camera up there and in 15 minutes took it out and closed the hole. When we met in the other room, he said it was perfect. Blood is flowing like it’s supposed to everywhere. He didn’t have to do a thing. He said it was perfect. I had a list of questions written down and one of them was, “ What should I do for now for my vascular health to keep it in good shape?'' and he said , “Keep doing exactly what you're doing!”" Jesus is in control, and He is revealing Himself to my friend bit by bit. He restored her sleep at night first and now He healed her foot. Thank you Jesus for your love for my friend!! This reminds me of the Bible verse from Mark 12:17, Then Jesus said to them, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." And they were amazed at him. Let’s give our thanks, praises, and glory to God, as it belongs to Him only! Three weeks ago, I went out in the evening to pick up Mexican food from a restaurant close by. The waitress who was putting all the takeout orders together was limping.
I asked her, “What’s going on with your leg?” She said, “I twisted my ankle this morning while serving customers and since then, I have been in a lot of pain and can’t walk well at all. I plan to go to my doctor tomorrow.” Here I went again asking if I could pray over her ankle. She let me touch her ankle and pray over it with a smiling face. She felt better after the prayers but not to the point where she was completely set free from her pain and inflammation. Couple of days ago, I went back again to the same restaurant. There she was busy doing her stuff. As soon as she saw me, she came to tell me, “I met you 3 weeks ago. My ankle was set free from pain and inflammation the same night. I didn’t even have to go to doctor the following day.” Together, we thanked Jesus for His healing! The important lesson I learned from this experience is that God gives us opportunities if we look around, so we could bring His presence and Him on the scene for others' need. But are we willing to seize the moment or opportunity when we come across one? I believe God takes pleasure in backing us up when we are taking a RISK and stepping out in Jesus' name. Matthew 18:18-19, “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.” |